I mean, c'mon, where else can you befriend the potential new president elect and send him a message of encouragement for the world to see. You can even friend your professor and find out what they do actually have a life outside of campus, who knew? You can even find out what your ex is up to without having to have any communication with them or their friends!
And all these things are made possible by social networks that are formed in the world of cyberspace.
I am a bit bias because I would love to work for Facebook, but I believe the most important communication technology practice that we should look at is the whole phenomenon called social networking. And for all those of you that just can't wait for Discussion 6 from the syllabus on this very matter here's a funny video definition:
Social Networking in Plain English
NOTE--I am a huge nerd and I actually look up a lot of this stuff as this is my emphasis for research at UNI!! I also worked in NYC for a company launching a website and online social network. Check them out at:
http://mentoring.committee100.org and
..so that makes me an even bigger nerd, not an expert by any means, but that's why I have a lot to offer up for discussion. No, I am not just a big brown noser:) And, Professor Eppley, for the record, I really do like to spend time in the library!
Here are just a few of the reasons why I believe Social Networks are important to study:
1)They improve communication. I won't say that they improve the QUALITY of communication overall, but I do think they help you communicate more often with people that you know and get in touch and dialogue with people you otherwise wouldn't. I know people that have gotten jobs because they communicated with a friend that they saw had a friend in a certain city that connected them. I have also personally used this in getting contacts to get my resume into tech companies in Silicon Valley.
Another example is that they get people communicating about topics they might otherwise not be aware of. Example: my friend has a bumper sticker on their profile that supports McCain. I just went to hear Obama speak and like what he had to say. If I didn't know this about my friend I might not say anything, but this could start a dialogue about politics.
2)They have changed the meaning of the word "friend." You met someone at a conference two years ago and you talked once. Congratulations, they are now your friend. You met a member of the opposite sex last weekend at the bar--you are now friends with them as well. Makes you think about how we define who we call friends, doesn't it!? Interesting forum on this very topic:http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080714125939AAwiEj0
3)We discussed this briefly in class, but it has changed the way we date and form romantic relationships. Many relationships are formed by becoming Facebook friends and then finding out as much as you can about the other--without ever talking to them or picking up the phone. Quite convenient, you can even figure out where they are going to be that weekend usually and just happen to bump into them!Check out this step-by-step comparison of dating before Facebook and now after--it's kind of funny b/c it's so true!
4) People of all ages are starting to join them. It's not just for the young, college-aged anymore. My aunt and my friend's mom friended me last week and I've had this hunch, but I did a little research according to a Nielsen Net poll the number of users 55 and older is near to that of users 18-34! CHECK IT OUT AT:
5)You can be offended without anyone saying anything. I realized this today when I couldn't see a friend's pics because I am on the limited profile list. I was offended. I have no fancy link to back this up, just an interesting thought to ponder!!
A few things to think about if you haven't already quit reading by now:
If you are like me and go back and forth about whether MySpace or Facebook is more popular:
If you want to get academic about it here is a study that takes a more in-depth approach to how MySpace and Facebook have changed communication:
Ok...these are just a few of the reasons, really, I just am a HUGE Facebook addict--and I even have a post about that on my profile if you really want to check it out:) That is if you....Facebook Me!
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