Weather Wikipedia should be used as a scholarly source is debated especially among college professors. Regardless of your feelings on this, it should not and cannot just be discredited as a means of information. Are there errors in it? Yes. There are “scholarly” articles that have errors in them too. In any case, if you have something such as a research paper to do, you are going to have to do more than just look it up on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a great learning tool though. I use it to look up information all the time. I don’t have a set of encyclopedias and don’t know of anyone my age that does, however even if I did, I would not take the time to go look something up every time I have a question. An encyclopedia may and may not have the answer anyway, but it is just easier to do it on Wikipedia. Most of the time I am looking up something that is recent, or about maybe something in entertainment, sports, music, or something of that nature which would not be in an encyclopedia, and is not worth going to the library and spending a lot of time searching for. Also if I am reading an article and come across another term that I am not familiar with, I can just click on that link instead of looking it up too.
There is also the issue of if someone submits something to Wikipedia should they be held accountable for it. In a way I would say yes, but if it is over a controversial subject it could make someone who disagrees mad, and cause issues.
Web 2.0 is kind of confusing , considering that “ An exact definition of Web 2.0 continues to prove rather elusive, in part because the concept encompasses different goals and expectations for the future of the Internet and of electronic publishing in general. A leading critic of the Web 2.0 concept is Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee, who points out that ‘Web 1.0 was all about connecting people. It was an interactive space, and I think Web 2.0 is of course a piece of jargon, nobody even knows what it means. If Web 2.0 for you is blogs and wikis, then that is people to people. But that was what the Web was supposed to be all along.’” What I gather is that web 2.0 is really not anything entirely different from web 1.0, its just that people have begun to explore some of the endless opportunities and things that can be done online.
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