Monday, November 10, 2008

You Gotta Fight For Your Click?

The first reading posses the question of, “Is there new politics on the internet?” I’m not going to agree or disagree with the question because I believe the internet isn’t technically “a new” form of politics, but more along the lines of a different form. They refer to the olden days of the town hall and people publically speaking, as well bring up the lack of participants during these times do to gender. The internet allows for people from all walks of life who don’t have to be judged on gender or race, but rather on how well informed they are and intelligence. Politics on the web can be discussed anytime, anywhere. This type of political communication being down on the web allows for every and anybody who wants to state their opinions or learn more about something do so. No one wants to travel across states to sit in a huge hall and have everyone look at them when you stand up to speak…people have become more private these days and the internet is playing a big role into making people who never had an opinion before start too.

Second reading discussed companies posting amatuer-looking videos on Web sites to spark word-of-mouth and a buzz…anything new? You have the I’m a PC” commercials allowing for internet users to post there own part that could be aired in the commercial, you have Taco Bell spinning a commercial from the McDonald’s rap video, and Quizno’s Subs using the goofy looking rats who ate the moon. Companies know that internet video are successful and they know people want to be able to interact so they have contests. All in all these ads are cheaper for the companies to create and that’s more profit for them…much like reality shows compared sitcoms.

Net Neutrality...let me see here have the same speed internet be equally distribute to everyone or have cable/phone companies make you buy their faster connection…I like the way the internet works now, and seeing that Barack is the president elect we don’t have to worry about it. I make hardly any money working two jobs, but yet manager to live happily, so why do cable/phone companies who make so much profit as it is want to charge an additional fee to earn them more money? When is enough, enough? Either way I feel there’s enough people against this thought that use that internet that can keep net neutrality possible.

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