Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Unless I missed something, I am thinking that I am supposed to blog about pirates. Gyarrrr. Piracy boils down to nothing more than claiming another's property as your own. 18th century pirates pillaged; modern pirates download. It took a lot more physical effort to be a pirate in the 1700's than it does today. I can't really blame them. There isn't anything more satisfying than taking something from someone else while not even leaving the comfort of your own home. Well, apparently there's this thing called a copyright. If a person has an item that's copyrighted, then another person cannot claim copyrighted material as their own without legitimate representation. This is usually in the form of monetary payment. So if I download Ashley Simpson's I Am Me album, then I would be stealing from Geffen Records. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) can then come after me for money because I stole it. As a quasi-musician myself, I would actually want people to download my music; any publicity is good publicity.

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