Sunday, November 4, 2007

Uncertainty Lurks...

I don’t know how to feel about piracy, intellectual property, and copyright for sure. I think that creative property should be available to all, yet I think that artists should be paid or at least recognized for their efforts. Give credit where credit is due, whether that’s fiscally or mentioning the original artist’s name in your CD’s liner notes. Buy the song, whether it’s online or from the CD if you plan on remixing it. It would be what you would want the next musician/producer to do if they manipulated your original work. Sampling and remixing are not new concepts, older arts have always inspired or been mimicked in new arts. Now it’s just a matter of copyright laws and giving credit where credit is due. I found “Good copy, Bad copy” to be a very interesting documentary, and really opened my eyes about piracy, remixing, and how “creating” can mean a bunch of different things.

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