Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Obscure metaphors, Yayhoo's, Gizoogle's anda Michroschoft's...

Pre-script: Sorry this is late...

Ok, so net neutrality is like an itch that you can't scratch. It's what everyone wants, but no one might get. It's soon to be the battle between luxury and right. Anyway, the idea of net neutrality being taken away is not something that the users want, but something that the corporate powers want. Not even so much the corporate powers, but the Internet Service Provider powers. I mean, if I were an ISP I would want more money for nothing. It's understandable. I am in college.

That is not the point! The point is that large corporations (Michroschoft) would be willing to inflate the bank accounts of ISP's in order to get their content to the user first. The end user only viewing Michroschoft's content as opposed to Yayhoo's or Gizoogle's.

You might be thinking, 'What's the big deal with that? I like Michroschoft.'. Well, what if WebCT has an article that I need to read for Communications Technology class and your ISP (CFU) decides to allow Michroschoft to rank higher than WebCT. All of the sudden you are reading the top headlines on instead of a certain behavorial targeting article. All because you couldn't access the beloved WebCT.

Yeah, it's pretty jacked and this issue will be here before we know it. So vote YES on Net Neutrality. (Power to the People)

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