Monday, October 29, 2007

The Road Warriors of the internet

I do agree with the pro-net neutrality group, but on the issue of bloggers, I must say this: most of the bloggers aren't out to promote net neutrality. A lot of the bloggers don't think about ethics. They just post what they think, whatever the cost, in order to just be heard. Hasn't anyone thought about the bloggers that deliberately post false information on the blogs? And with a lot of internet users believing most of what they say as truth, then these type of bloggers have succeeded.

My analysis of the psyche of the blogger I can relate to the character Mad Max. He doesn't care about anything else other than the bettering of his current situation. I believe that most bloggers wouldn't care about higher pricing for the internet, they'll still pay to get that same feeling of importance. If most bloggers are everyday joes, then they wouldn't want any part in most debates, whether it affects them or not.

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