Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Great quote… but you spelled encyclopedia wrong

There the BBC goes again butchering yet another fine word by adding an extra “a” in it… So what’s the big deal with Wikipedia anyway? Maybe I want to live in their wikiality and maybe I don’t, so is that any reason for us to take it for 100 percent accurate? I once read somewhere that Wikipedia is something like, 97% truthful to that of Encyclopedia Britannica, which to me is quite an amazing fact… except when you realize in the grand scheme of things that that means 3% is absolute garbage, and that turns out to be an incredible HUGE number of articles or facts wrong. Take the universe for instance, if 3% of the trillions and trillions of stars don’t actually exist… that’s still like… trillions of stars. I remember a time when Wikipedia wasn’t allowed on any sort of research paper or essay, but nowadays it is sometimes the only place you can get certain bits of material. Plus the fact that it is updated so quickly, on more current articles like the V Tech shootings it was the most reliable and quickly updated source of information.

Reading about the dates of Star Wars reminds me of the time I looked up the dates of Back to the Future. It amuses me extremely to see how much time and effort is placed into something that has little to no actually purpose, but at the same time it surprises me how much time I actually spent looking at the article.

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