Monday, November 5, 2007

Yo-Ho-Ho a Pirate's Life for Me

The Tetzlaff reading gave me a better reason to show interest in the pirate "phenomenon." I use quotation marks because it is referred to in news television and magazines as a phenomenon. In truth, a phenomenon is something that happens, and it slowly either dissipates or vanishes without a trace. That could have been done about five or six years ago. But now, pirating has become a business, a way of life. I know a friend of mine from high school that has pirated movies and music for years now, and only has to work at his job about twenty hours a week, and still is able to pay for his $350 a month rent. As a good comparison, I'd like compare the issue of pirating to the war on drugs. Pirating, while not as widespread as drugs, is getting to that point. And since it is as secretive as drugs, then the outcome of said governement intervention may be the same.

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