I have never thought so much about how much we are really watch throughout our everyday lives… From the surveillance cameras in every store we shop in, to the camera that overlooks Lawther field. Just the other day at work my boss commented on how much I was yawning…he was in a different room, but he could see everything I was doing. I think the most important aspect to remember about
surveillancing is that it is intended to be used for the good of the society, not as an invasion tool. Much like the article, “We Googled You,” people are not intentionally trying to uncover something threatening about a person, but sometimes with the advancement of technology, the information just falls in a person’s lap. As an RA, I was friends with many of my residents on facebook, and very often pictures of my
underage residents drinking in their rooms would pop up on my screen, I was not intentionally trying to find any “dirt” on them. I think it is intriguing to people to watch something they are “supposed” to be seeing… Andrejevic made a good argument when he said that reality TV is
dominating the ratings and taking over the most coveted time slots. I think reality TV is a way for people to escape their own mundane everyday lives and explore the lives of others through cameras, but when does it go too far…
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