Monday, September 10, 2007

Speaking of poor predictions…

The Wikipedia entry on cybepunk explains that “Cyberpunk stories have also been seen as fictional forecasts of the evolution of the Internet.” Similarly, some of you (Mrknight and Reece) have posted about Snow Crash as feeling a bit prophetic or predictive. In one of my previous posts I wrote about how the internet opened up the possibility to foil objectivity. I keep thinking that it is at least a condition of possibility for multiple (conflicting) voices to all exist at once. Even if Snow Crash isn’t predictive it has at least helped envisioned how my prediction could fall short; the CIC. In Snow Crash the CIC seems to control so much knowledge which is all stored in this central database. The vast majority of the most useful information is all in one place controlled by one group. In some ways it reminds me of Wikipedia. For the sake of space I won’t get into how it becomes a commodity worth money but I think that fits into some of our class discussions pretty well. Finally, as far as predictions go, Stephenson describes all of the identification that is located on Y.T.s chest and then yesterday I read this:

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