When reading Snow Crash I couldn't help but see the parallels to our current world. The metaverse is CLEARLY a representation of what Stephenson thought we would end up being if we let technology control us. Little did he know that in 2003 a new world would be created that would allow users to be whoever they want to be...fly where they want to...and most of all, have sex without facing the repercussions....oh Second Life. Although the users of Second life could have used it for some other sort of technology, it was instead used for wild and crazy sex. This was, however, done entirely out of the choice of the users. Those participating in Second Life created the code to fuck a random skank with a makeshift phallus. This is where I feel critics of technology need to pull their heads out of their asses.... Yes, technology does have SOME power over us...it does not entirely own us. This is where I feel that the thought of the cyberpunk genre changing into reality abruptly comes to an end. Until we entirely allow our lives to be controlled by technology...we SHOULD be able to resist the "inevitable" and maintain society as we know it.
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