One of the first people I saw was a woman.... completely naked. I said hello. No reply. I looked around the area a bit and returned to the woman. Now she had on nothing but a very skimpy pair of overalls. Hmmm. I took my leave and looked for somewhere I could fit in. After a little searching with the Second Life search engine, I found a go-kart track. Nobody was around, but there were free go-kart rides. I went for a spin and I must say, I kicked some serious ass. From what I read, I beat the guy before me by nearly three seconds. But I didn't rest easy. I needed some interaction with other people. I was off in search of fresh meat.... preferably clothed meat.
From the track I found a transport that took me to a medium sized city. Not a ton of people, but I walked up to what looked like a bum on a park bench. I said hello. No reply. I found a woman standing in front of a store. I asked her where I was. She said in a German Sim, and then she blew me off. Apparently she had more important things to do. I feel a little overwhelmed. There are so many places I can go. I wanna get out of this place, but where should I go? Hmmm.... do a quick search.... Got it!!!! SEXY LAND!!!!!
After exploring SEXY LAND for a bit, I came upon a platform on the ground. Upon touching the pad, my avatar began masturbating himself, bent over! On the other side of the room was a sign that had ten different sex positions shown on an advertisement. Across the hall was a store called Cocks 'N Pussy. I bet you have an idea what kind of pictures lined its inner walls. The whole are was filled with sex stores. Most of which had things available for actual purchase.
I then entered what appeared to be the orgy room. Everybody in the room was naked. Most were lying together around the room. I didn't feel like interrupting, so I decided I would find a lighter social setting.
I found a jazz lounge on an island, but when I first showed up, I found myself, and the island overtaken with hundreds and hundreds of bouncing Super Marios. Apparently some guy wanted to be a jerk so he coded them in. See the above pic. Upon their departure, I came across the owner of the lounge. This was the first person to begin a conversation with me of all the people I've seen passing by so far. We made small talk for a minute before I made my leave.
I spent about 8 hours on Second Life before calling it quits. It was nothing short of uninspiring. All of that time spent starting a second life and completely neglecting my real life; looking for the secret to cyberpunk thought. I haven't found it yet.
Second Life isn't cyberpunk. I don't think the Metaverse is even cyberpunk. Cyberpunk is a genre like romance, sci-fi, western, horror, or whatever. It's a means of putting these technologies in a context of a distopian future where corporations rule the political and economic landscape; where everyday hackers fight the good fight for little or no fanfare; where seeds of discontent with corruption in government and corporations can be planted. Cyberpunk is NOT a technology. Cyberpunk is a voice.
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