Sunday, September 30, 2007

Slightly political... more than a little sardonic... So what does it mean?

Nathan hearts danah boyd

"...I totally have an academic crush..."

Nathan Scott (or is it Stephen?) Epley was born on May 26, 1968. That makes him 39 folks... danah is 29. Ten years is okay at this age, but a ten year old dating a fetus is disturbing. But that is beside the point.... actually there is no point. More info about nepley's academic crushee here:

Anyhow, she wrote a bunch of the stuff we were to read. Now that we've agreed upon that point, let's move onto something we might not agree upon. I say that social networking sites are destroying our families, and we need our churches and clergy to intervene before the sanctity of normal face-to-face interaction is lost to the whore-ish internet culture of the myspace generation. If we don't stand up against this attack on traditional family networks then our youth will continue down the path towards heresy and ultimately eternal damnation. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Mark Zuckerberg.

I'm not going to pretend you aren't part of the problem... Yeah YOU... reading this! You and your smarmy smirk. Smickity Smackity Smoo! That's religious for F*** YOU MYSPACE GENERATION!

Hugs and Kisses.


Note: The opinions expressed in this post are not necessarily those of the author. They are more likely the opinions of the author's avatar.


Nathan Epley said...

Nathan hearts Dana Boyd just like Jonathan Sterne hearts Raymond Williams--it's an ACADEMIC crush, people . . . totally asexual . . . all about the ideas . . . Really, she does research on social networks the way that I think such research should be done. PLUS she's totally down with my crew:, you know, Foucault, Bourdieu, Butler, Hall, etc. PLUS she writes with a coherence that I strive for.

Dexter said...

I know what you mean. And you know I know. So I obviously know that you know I know. My post is a statement in the form of a poem that is disguised as a post about social networking. I made sure to include the word academic before crush... plus the word sardonic in the title... but I suppose people will still interpret it however they want.