I have been back and forth on the issue of social networking lately. I understand both sides of the issue. I guess the problem is to figure out the pros and cons and go from there. Some people, like me, use these social networking sites for the sole purpose of staying in contact with friends (and occasionally to play some Facebook Pirates). There are others who pretty much live and thrive on these sites. Survey after pointless survey, more and more blogs about how they got dumped last night, and not to mention any and all quasi-nude photos. I don't want to know what your first thought when you woke up (nor do I care). Depending on how much time is spent, some of these people probably have some type of an addiction to it. Then there is whole corporate aspect to this. Microsoft is now in talks with Facebook, trying to buy 5% of the company. This will make Facebook a multi-billion dollar company. Not that there is anything wrong with that. The only issue is that it could lead to Microsoft collecting personal data, and marketing directly to users with personalized advertising. I really don't care for (online) ads, but thats just me. Pretty soon they will be beaming those ads directly into our brains. :o
Fake FriendsReal Friends
Image (c) CollegeHumor.com
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