Monday, October 8, 2007

If its on wikipedia it must be true....right?

For me, Wikipedia has always been a great tool for looking up useless information about my favorite band or dissolving an argument about something that happened in the Star Wars universe (thank you for that link. It made my day.) And that I think is where its practical usefulness ends. As Colbert showed in one of his clips, it is very easy to make something up and have people confirm it. It doesn’t necessarily matter if it is true or not, it just matters if enough people agree on it or that nobody cares enough to challenge its validity or truthfullness.

Wikipedia was not intendedto be used as it is by some people. As an actual source for scholarly work. I believe it was more intended as something fun and to get some partially useful and useless information out of.

I decided to see how easy it is to make a wikipedia page so I went to the website, created an account in about 30 seconds, and made a page about myself. . Feel free to edit it as you wish. I will not fault you for building me up or breaking me down.

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