No matter where you get your information you have to understand that it may not be entirely true. I've had professors lecturing about material they are supposed to know and they end up misquoting the book or switching definitions from the text, assuming they know it from memory. It happens to at least one of my professors every semester. Wikipedia is the same. Wikipedia entries may not always be entirely true, but if you really care enough then how about you do a little research of your own. Find some more sources. Do a little digging for yourself. You've got the World Wide Web at your fingertips (unless you don't have fingers) with more true and false information than Wikipedia could ever dream of containing. Let's stop talking about whether Wikipedia is good or bad. No one really cares except for the people who think they know why it is good or bad. And what makes them any more right than you or me? Don't answer that question... it is rhetorical.
P.S. I hate school.... a lot.
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