As I read the information about viral marketing “spreading from person to person” by way of mouth, I couldn’t help but ask what was so new and exciting about this idea. Google never bought a billboard or commercial time, we all heard about it from people that used it and liked its services. The original Matrix did pretty badly on its opening weekend because they didn’t advertise very much, but word of mouth made each following weekend more profitable. In fact every cult classic movie has gained popularity through word of mouth marketing. This brings me to “Snakes on a Plane” and a dozen of other movies lately that are trying to intentionally become cult classics. You can’t synthesize viral marketing, or anything similar to it. The Numa Numa guy was a one time occurrence, yet many have tried to copy him, he even tried to copy himself, and while these help spread the original nobody can intentionally make a meme with any certainty it will spread.
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