Sunday, October 7, 2007

Hindsight is 2020.

This class in general, and this week's readings in particular have really changed the way I think about Wikipedia. I was one of the teachers that some of the readings allude to that told students never to orally cite wikipedia in a speech. However, what I have started to realize is that first I needed to think about all the possible uses for Wikipedia and help students figure out what Wikipedia is and is not. I didn't realize it in class until someone mentioned it one day how much time can be spent just linking between articles simply as recreation; it isn't always about doing research. Also, I think the article on what Wikipedia is not makes clear that it was never intended to be what some of my students use it for. The emphasis on providing citations really makes clear that you should be able to go back and cite a source other than wikipedia. I used to think that Wikipedia was generally useless but I have definately changed my mind now that I can think about different uses for and ways to use wikipedia.

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