The thing about net neutrality is that now is our only chance. There is no chance in a grass roots movement creating legislation on "cable neutrality" where HBO and Showtime have the same cost per channel as Comedy Central and that crazy foreign channel nobody watches. The reason for this is our nation is one that focuses on profit for entrepreneurs more than it is the mystical noble entity so many flag toting red necks would like it to be Enough legal loopholes are in place to grantee that Mediacom and CFU will continue profiting on what was once thought to be "public air space"
Unfortunately, I can’t think of a single piece of legislation that has ever gained enough support to become a law before there was really a need for the law. To my knowledge, no ISP has started, or made plans to start charging for certain web sites. There are problems that ARE pressing at the moment, and are still not receiving enough attention for changes to happen—Global Climate Change, AIDS and poverty in Africa, K-Fed being the most fit to raise children. Lets use another future problem as an example, Social Security is arguably a bigger issue than Net Neutrality, but still politicians are constantly saying they will do something about it; then ignoring it completely.
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