Thursday, November 20, 2008

"organized civil disobedience"

My favorite part was when the Swedish boy called pirating a form of "organized civil disobedience" because part of me wants to say 'yea! screw the billion dollar music corporations.' As a broke student I want free movies and music and I want to be able to use those things in my own creative projects. It would be amazing to be able to use Food Network clips in my food show without worrying about if its legal, or to be able to pick some popular amazing music to jazz up the audio. This would be a dream come true. Then there is that pesky other side of my brain. The part that says what about when I am a famous filmmaker and some punk ass kids start downloading my movies and using them in their own works. Will that be ok? Will I be losing money or creative licence? Or does it even matter because will I be able to stop them? I like to think I would be happy to see people reuse my work in their own creative ways but I also like to think I will have some money some day so I don't know. Maybe I'll move to Sweden.

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