Monday, August 27, 2007

Look out!!! The television is a portal to Hell!!!

It wasn't the ideas presented by the articles through business perspectives that interested me, but the initial reaction to the technologies that were created as far back as the early 1800s. It was almost as if the public's reaction to radio was something more logical than the kind of zealotous reaction to photography, which was percieved as a possible tool of the Devil, and the box with the flash bulb on it would take your soul. My thoughts of early ideas of the radio, with its societal perception as just a talking box bent on destroying the family with its invasion of the home and the lives of the people who inhabit said dwellings was something of hilarity, but that was probably the norm of that time.

With the observations of the past, I can say that the next wave of technology will not be seen as such a problem.

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