Sunday, August 26, 2007

Too Much of a Good Thing

Throughout these readings, it was obvious to me how technology has changed and improved during the years. I don’t think people think about life without cell phones, television or e-mail. It’s important to study the progression of communication technologies and the effects they have had on culture as a whole. Different cultures will use the advancement of technology in different ways and some more than others. While reading Williams, something stuck out and caught my attention. He looks at the cause and effects on a society from technological advancements. He gives several theories as to how technology has altered our world and our lives. I think these theories bring to the forefront many topics that people really should be aware of. For example, there has been an increase in obesity among children and adults in the U.S. Could technology have something to do with this, I think so. It is too easy for kids to sit for hours at a time on the internet, watching television or playing video games. Another topic to look at would be social problems such as violence, desensitizing and early maturation. The advancement in communication technology has brought about many wonderful changes but along with these changes are some issues that many societies should take into account.

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