Sunday, September 14, 2008

Snow Crash

I have to admit that I enjoyed reading the first thirteen pages of the novel Snow Crash a lot more than I thought I would going into it. I noticed that the Metaverse closely resembled the Internet that we use today, in that people connect to it to get away from problems in their real life and things like that, and that they can create avatars or different kinds of profiles of themselves that don’t necessarily have to be anything like what they are in real life. For a lot of people that is how they get by or overcome fears that they have. I remember there was a segment on some show on MTV about this girl who would write her own songs, but wasn’t able to perform them in front of people because she had stage fright. Her solution was to perform her songs for people through her avatar on Second Life, in front of other people’s avatars, rather than her actually playing her songs in front of other real people. Another little thing that I found interesting was that the main character’s name was Hiro (Hero) Protagonist. Lastly, reading about “cyberpunk” on Wikipedia made me rethink about some things that I hadn’t realized would be considered cyberpunk, like movies such as The Matrix and Minority Report. I had no idea that the whole technological future/sci-fi stuff had it’s own genre, but if it is anything like Snow Crash, I think I would enjoy some of it.

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