Sunday, October 12, 2008


Social networking sites. I don't know if I really think that they are used for networking or not. When I think of networking I think of people trying to connect with future employers or people that will help them connect with future employers. As far as Myspace goes I think that this is a good way for bands to get recognized. Besides that though there really isn't anything to great about Myspace. As we have all talked about in class Myspace seems like a place for younger children. Myspace also seems like a place where more child preditors hang out. How many stories on the news are there about the safety issues with myspace? Far to many if you ask me. I have yet to hear a story about how dangerous Facebook is. I don't know if this is because older more mature (and possibly smarter) young adults use Facebook as opposed to Myspace where it is mostly younger kids. All the readings proved that both of these sites are contriversal and I don't think that anyone has the right answer as to how these sites can be used "properly". I do like how Epley says that your Facebook profile should be like a resume for you. I would really agree with that. You shouldn't put things on the internet that you wouldn't want your future boss to see or for that matter your children. If someone chooses to put something on their profile that is going to affect them in the future then that is because of their own stupidity. It should be common sense that you don't put pictures of you doing illegal things on the internet unless you want to get caught. Police do check social networking sites such as Myspace and Facebook to find out about underaged parties so they can bust them. I know this because it has happened to me.
Our conversation in class the other day about living on the internet forever really made me think of what "foot print" I want to leave on the internet. I feel that as long as someone is smart about the things they put out there then they should be fine. It is the fifteen year old kids that don't think any further into the future then the upcoming weekend that are going to have the problems with their internet "foot print." Maybe kids need to be taught in junior high how to use social networking sites properly so that they can prevent embarassment in the future. Maybe that isn't the answer. And I don't know what a good answer would be, but when I have kids I am sure I will figure out what to do to keep them safe and keep their internet "foot print" in check.

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