Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wikipedia Wars...

First of all no college student owns an Encyclopedia collection of books and if you do then you probably are in Second Life and doing that whole thing, either way Wikipedia is amazing bases off the concepts that it’s free, easy to use, and has “almost” everything in it; AND IT’S A .ORG WEBSITE…THAT’S GOTTA MEAN IT’S LEGET!

Reading about what Wikipedia is not made me laugh/think at the same time because you know there has to be someone out there doing a paper and using Wikipedia as a reference and you know there’s some court case happening as an effect to it so Wikipedia has to place what it is not on its website (but should I believe what they say on this…it is Wikipedia). It states, “Wikipedia acknowledges that it should not be used as a primary source for serious research,” key word here is primary source. Use the website to broaden your knowledge of a subject or to get some outside input on an event, but don’t souly base your research on Wikipedia.

The criticism page on Wikipedia showed quite the wrap sheet and I love how you could edit this page. One thing I find interesting about Wikipedia is that at the bottom there are links to the references people used to conclude what they posted, so if one really wanted to get the “truth” on a matter they could extensively go track it down.

Wikipedia is in hundreds of different languages and practically every Google search you do the first link is from Wikipedia…plus Word’s spell check acknowledges that it’s a word! The site is going nowhere for a long time and I’m going to continue looking at what people think about lets say Postmodernism…because in all honesty it’s one of those things NOT ONE PERSON CAN GROW THE BALLS OR OVERIES (throwing that in there so my sexiest portrayal of me in class can be gone) AND DEFINE IT.

I loved the Star Wars Dates page Epley…I now know that in 50,000 BBY The Yevethan species gain sentience on the planet N'Zoth. No one touches Luke’s mom…

don’t tell me you Youtube name is KingKizerKun Epley…

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