Monday, October 20, 2008

Whats cool about Wikipedia

Free info. Thats whats cool. I like the idea that someone really smart could get online, post what they know, and 2 seconds later I could read it and learn and be smart. I also like that perhaps I know a lot about a subject, like lube (yes lube I just did a presentation on lube) and I could post what I know and others could learn about it quickly and easily. Isn't that what the internet is? Learning from each other? Free sharing of ideas? Sure maybe it isn't 100% accurate all the time but if you know it isn't accurate do something about it. Click the button. People correcting each other and learning from each other to improve the worlds knowledge? Public sphere. I also like that it isn't the man. Information produced by the people for the people. Not produced by the government or the industry.

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