Monday, September 17, 2007

I finally got this thing to work

Although we are suppose to believe that the bigger the screen the cooler we are, it seems to me that the idea of things like Youtube is a stark contraction. The whole premise of YouTube and it's runaway sucess is that anyone can be famous. Of course, it doesn't seem to matter that the majority of the world does more posting than actual viewing (a fact that seems to contradict with the idea of the internet being a place to express ideas) the point is that we can see ourselves on the screen. Anyone can be a star. With all the hatered over Reality TV, it still remains exceedingly popular. Why? Sure some will say there are alot of idoits out there but the real reason is the same as that behind YouTube. Anyone can be famous, we can look at something and say, "Well, I can do a much better job than that" and believe ourselves to be superior because these aren't professionals that we are comparing ourselves with. It's average people that very well could have been us. So, could we say that the premise over YouTube and Reality TV are the same? They hold true to the fact that anyone can express their views and explain who they are. So why does Reality TV cause so much hatered among electronic media scholars? In essence, it is there to capture the very thing that we work for, isn't it? The ability for technology to convey the ideas and situations of the public. So why the backlash? Don't get me wrong- I can't stand reality tv, I believe that people on it are whiny and irritating while expressing views that I really don't care about. But some of the same can be said about the videos on YouTube. I am just sick of hearing all these raunts about the hatered for reality tv done by people who will than log out and go straight to posting on YouTube. I don't really see a difference between them even though I know I will be blasted for saying so. This is why they probably will soon combine to create a reality show posted through the internet( It will definatly sell as they are cut from the same branch. I don't have a place for reality tv but to deny it's importance in the use of technology and economy in the entertainment industry is ridiculous and looking down on it form advid YouTube goers is contradictional as well as just snobby. Why do we think we are better than the likes of Reality TV? Quite ironic.

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