Saturday, September 29, 2007

Uncle Sam Watches You Brog

In an attempt to avoid controlled spaces, children find “youth Space.” If the quest for Youth space is monitored and catalogued by the NSA, I would seriously worry how my opinionated blog from my freshman year would affect my future as a politician. (not to mention these blogs) Many of the artifacts a person presents online are figuratively (or literally) snapshots of a person at a specific time. I no longer agree with many aspects of the above linked blog, but an out of context RDF reader wouldn’t know that.

The generalizations of accusation go further though, not only can a person be judged by what they put online, but also by what friends place online. If the NSA puts their rumored plans into action, simply knowing various criminals can make someone a suspect (Dick Cheney beware) What I worry about is the random friend requests I accept because people compliment my MySpace Page. If these people are guilty of illegal stupidity do I end up on a politically motivated watch list? How will that innocent mistake of judgment affect my political career?

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