Monday, September 10, 2007

Second Verse, Same as the First: Impressions on Meta Life - Part I

In case you didn't actually read any of Stephenson's novel, you should. It's very good, but I'm no critic. After awhile of reading, I couldn't get one question out of my head: How does cyberpunk relate to "communication" technology. Cyberpunk is a genre, not a technology, but it's the genre's world view of social, political, and economical contexts through technology that relate it to communication - communication in a virtual setting - the Metaverse - Second Life.

Yes, I put the book down, opened up my computer, and signed up for Second Life. I soon found out that I could become whoever I wanted to be. I could mold my appearance just as in the Metaverse. I could make myself weak or strong, short or tall, any color from white to brown, purple or gold. It didn't matter. And after spending a good hour or two just on my appearance, I was thrust into the tutorial mode of Second Life, basically orientation. Hear you learn the basic functions to communicating in the virtual world; how to walk, run, drive vehicles, talk, shout, gesture, dance, change your appearance. After spending another couple hours acclimating to the world, I was ready to go off on my own, away from the tutorials and help functions.

What craziness ensued? Stayed tuned for Part II.

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