Monday, September 17, 2007

rectitudinal exactitude

I don’t believe surveillance exists. As far as I know, my emails are read only by whom they are intended for. I doubt the government has actually put anything in orbit around the Earth that could follow our movements. Just think about it; orbit. What an outlandish concept. How is anything going to stay up that high? And what kind of camera can get a picture from that far away? Duh. None, that’s what kind. Am I supposed to believe that the government can see more of me at the airport than what is visible to their eyes? Come on. Don’t be naïve. X-rays and such are only comic book fodder intended to excite the schoolboys. And as long as I whisper, nobody out of earshot can hear a word I’m saying. See, I just whispered something and I’d bet my balls that you didn’t hear it. So give up on the whole “we are being watched” thing. The only people who know about your pissing fetish are you and me…. and I’m thirsty.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hilarious! Perfect sarcastic rebuttal.