Sunday, September 23, 2007

The readings assigned for this week expanded on many subjects we have touched on already. Obviously we have talked a lot about avatars and different identities while on the Web. I was very curious, however, about the new readings of race and ethnicity as a particular context within the internet. I was especially interested in her idea of how minorities missed the "golden age of cyberculture". I am going to be outnumbered in my view on this, and I know since I am Caucasian I can never truly understand the minority views and opinions, but I believe this to be extremely ironic. One of the ideas of the internet and the world wide web was accessibility for everyone and anonymity of everyone, and then this article says the two are actually not evident. Discrimination still exists online, even when people make up new identities for themselves. I do not agree with Lisa however, when she says minorities missed that age of cyberculture. She argues that this medium of new media has translated to a less educational system in which I disagree. Yes, there are different subject matters readily available, but I personally believe the same educational value exists online now as when it was at an "educational peak".

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