Monday, September 3, 2007

Technology and Social Classes

There are many, many different areas to go with a post about cultural studies within technology. I was most interested in the notion of technology dictating social classes in the second article about "New Media". We briefly discussed in our first week's lecture that the cost and knowledge of a certain technological product can influence who can actually buy or use the product. This idea is the notion that a new product or innovation can actually dictate social classes or even create racial boundaries. The author says, "technology itself can engineer relationships among people that, after time, become just another part of the landscape." The example used showed how a certain bridge enabled wealthy New Yorkers a good commute while disallowing the working class a method to get to the same place. It just seems that technology starts to cater to certain classes for political reasons while covering up their tracks with over exaggerated benefits and bonuses. As technology progresses, is it possible it will be more inclined to regulate even more behaviors?

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