Sunday, September 16, 2007

Resistance is futile

Why do we naturally seem to resist companies conforming to our buying habits. sure its a step toward Big Brother, but is that really the end of the world? I think its a combination of a mistrust of strangers and our dislike of commercials more than a feeling of invasion of privacy.

Do we really own our information though? People collect data about us all the time, what we look like, the things we buy, favorite sexual positions, it seems that just because the information describes us we think we somehow own it, and that it was taken from us. I wonder why this is.
For the most part, our most confidential information was randomly assigned to us (SS# Credit card #s) and as far as buying habits go, Walmart was going to sell me crap anyway, so how much does it really matter if they conform and advertise only the things i want to buy anyway.

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