Sunday, September 2, 2007

Tech Consequences

Its interesting to think about how technology has shaped us, and cause several social changes. Out of the whole Gillespie article, one quote really struck me as thought provoking. He said, "We can only hope that we'll never be oblivious to the consequences of technology... we still look for 'technological fixes'." It seems to me that we may have almost lost track of the consequences. Although most of the time technology seems to make life easier, there are several times I think it can almost be a hindrance. Take an example of a large company that has its entire inventory stored on a computer. If something were to happen to that computer, that's information and time lost. I would also argue that even something as simple as a calculator has taken a toll on society. More and more people do not know how to do something as simple as counting back change at a fast food place. They rely on the calculator or other device to to the math for them, than actually use their own brain.

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