Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The main idea of the articles is that the internet and technology offer an option to be someone other than who you really are. In the 'real world' exists your physical personality and in the online world you have another if not many other personalities. This is a quote from the Turkle article:

"...I'm just hoping that face-to-face I can find a way to spend some time being the online me."

Muds and the like are starting to widen the line between who a person is in real life and who they are in the online world. Even if a person tries to impose thier 'real world' personality online, it still isn't the same. The phrase 'multiple personality' really applies here. Having an online personality is not a disorder. Although, in some cases it could be a serious problem. If someone spends an unhealthy amount of time being their online self, could they drift farther away from the real world?

1 comment:

Nathan Epley said...

You all should recognize that the diagnosis of MPD is fairly controversial. Critics may use MPD or schizophrenia as metaphors for some sort of postmodern consciousness or sense of self, but this figurative usage is not diagnostic.